Five of Pentacles

Meaning of Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles primary represents different kinds of deprivation. At the first place and as very obvious meaning of this card, comes financial loss or loss of goods. This is very literal expression especially if we consider image of Five of Pentacles from White-Smith deck.

Five of Pentacles primary represents different kinds of deprivation. At the first place and as very obvious meaning of this card, comes financial loss or loss of goods. This is very literal expression especially if we consider image of Five of Pentacles from White-Smith deck.

As other Fives as well, Five of Pentacles can also be considered as "hard" and disturbing card, but predominantly in area or material matters. It includes reduced incomes, increased expenses, unexpected costs, debt, higher interest rates, mortgage, trading losses and wrong investments especially if real estate is object of trading or investment. Another usual manifestation of Five of Pentacles is related physical health issues such chronic fatigue, problems with nutrition, inappropriate diet, cold, chronic pain issues and so on.

Overall, Five of Pentacles may represent wrong and inappropriate attitude or approach toward basic material and physical matters in general. It includes attitude toward possessions, money and others "I have" things, as well as approach to one's basic physical needs. No matter is it about negation and denial of them or, contrary, obsession with the material and physical security and constant fear of losing them. There is basically inappropriate approach usually based on bad experience and circumstances which cause fears and worries, while too much fears and worries farther lead to manifestations mentioned above.